
Complete Storytelling workshops aim to boost industry recovery and help businesses capitalise on Themed Year opportunities

A new series of Complete Storytelling workshops, which are specifically designed for businesses and organisations across all sectors of Scotland’s tourism industry, will take place in the New Year. This outstanding new training opportunity has been created to support recovery from the continuing impacts of the pandemic and help operators to capitalise on the opportunities presented by Scotland’s Year of Stories 2022.

In-person and online attendees at Scotland’s Tourism Industry Conference will remember the inspirational presentation by storytelling experts Complete Works on the importance of creating and delivering engaging, memorable stories to enhance customer service delivery, ensure exceptional consumer experiences and boost business.

Following the presentation, ASVA CEO Gordon Morrison announced that Complete Works would lead a series of Complete Storytelling workshops early in the new Themed Year for colleagues across Scotland’s tourism industry. The events follow the success of a pilot series of five workshops arranged for ASVA members during the summer. These were extremely well-received – 97% of attendees said the workshop either exceeded or fully matched their expectations and over 90% said they would implement the course content.

The 10 Complete Storytelling workshops which will take place in locations across Scotland during February and March, are being offered to colleagues across Scottish tourism thanks to funding support provided by Skills Development Scotland through the Tourism Recovery Programme. As a result, places for the in-person one-day workshops are available at the vastly reduced rate of only £50 inclusive of VAT. (This calibre of training would normally cost in the region of £150-£200 per person.)

Designed to provide the tools needed to stimulate business recovery, the highly motivational Complete Storytelling workshops provide an outstanding opportunity to find out how to unlock the power of stories to enhance your service delivery and boost your bottom line, and how stories can help transform consumers into ambassadors, generating repeat visits, recommendations and increased secondary spend.

Workshop delegates will learn how to use storytelling to engage, sell, and create brand loyalty through communications and sales skills. Using performance techniques, the experienced Complete Works professional trainers hone participants’ skills in Body Language and Voice, teaching tried and tested tips and tricks used by actors and presenters. The sessions break down the fears and boundaries that prohibit truly effective communication, through practicing practical methods in a safe, supported, inspiring environment.

The dates and locations of the 10 Complete Storytelling workshops, plus links to book places at each, are provided in the events section of our website: