Early Bird Tickets now available for the 2024 ASVA Conference! Find out more about this key industry event and book your tickets here.


Introducing the ASVA Digital Membership Badge

We’re excited to introduce a brand-new way for you to showcase your affiliation and pride in being a part of the ASVA family.  

The digital membership badge is exclusively for our members and can be proudly displayed on your website, email signature, and social media profiles. This badge showcases your commitment to the visitor attraction sector and symbolises your connection to a community dedicated to making Scottish attractions world-class. As a valued part of our network, we hope you’ll take pride in displaying this logo.

How to use your digital badge:

  • Simply download the badge here.
  • Add it to your website, or alongside other organisation badges and certifications.
  • Share it on your social media profiles to show your commitment to the sector. 

We hope you will take full advantage of the digital membership badge and we can’t wait to see how you use it! If you have any questions or require further information, please email iona@asva.co.uk.