Early Bird Tickets now available for the 2024 ASVA Conference! Find out more about this key industry event and book your tickets here.


New ASVA/Moffat Centre Survey of Scottish Attractions Performance & Prospects – Please complete

With both the Easter Holidays and legal covid restrictions now behind us, ASVA would like to take this opportunity to review where the sector currently finds itself, to establish confidence levels in the year ahead, how the beginning of the season has been and what members see as the main challenges ahead.

Working with our partners at the Moffat Centre for Travel & Tourism, we would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete our latest sector wide survey, the results of which will be summarised and shared across the membership, both in report format on the ASVA website and for discussion at our latest Members Meetup, taking place on Tuesday 31st of May (details of this event to follow in due course). And, of course, the results will be used to help inform ASVA in our ongoing lobbying and advocacy work, both through STERG and directly with the Scottish and UK Governments.

Please complete the survey (which should take no longer than 10 minutes) at this link by no later than 5pm on Friday 13 May.