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New training opportunities specifically for attractions staff
Added: 19 Dec 2022
As we move into the new year and focus turns to the season ahead, ASVA is pleased to announce a new suite of training workshops specifically designed to help attraction operators enhance their service delivery and improve their bottom line. 2023 will be a challenging year for tourism. As the cost of living and cost of doing business crises continues to bite, we must look not only at how we can deliver an outstanding experience for our visitors, but also how we can maximise the revenue that we receive from each visitor passing through our doors.
ASVA has engaged with tourism training specialists – Complete Works – to deliver three workshops which will equip your teams with the tools required to meet the challenges we will all face in 2023 as we seek to increase revenue and deliver outstanding experiences.
The three workshops, Complete Storytelling, Complete Sales and Complete Experience, are all standalone, but complimentary programmes, and will be delivered at locations in both central and northern Scotland, throughout January February and March. More details on the first of these workshops – being delivered in January – can be found below:
Complete Storytelling
Given the current financial challenges being faced by both our industry and our visitors, there has never been a more prescient time for you to understand how to unlock the full potential of your stories to benefit your business. Complete Storytelling provides an exciting, hugely relevant, training and development opportunity to allow you to do this.
The impact of the pandemic and cost of living crisis has hit our industry hard and this training is specifically designed to help you stimulate business recovery by giving you the tools you need for a vital element: great storytelling. Successful consumer experiences are the product of creating and delivering engaging and memorable stories. Designed to help tourism businesses rebuild income streams, the complete Storytelling workshops will enable delegates to learn new communications and sales skills to help enhance customer service delivery and generate secondary income.
In the highly motivational workshops, attendees learn how the power of your story can motivate staff, create exceptional consumer experiences and generate income, and delegates are taught how to use storytelling to engage, sell and create brand loyalty. The course breaks down the fears and boundaries that prohibit truly effective communication; this is achieved through teaching and practicing practical methods in a safe, supported and inspiring environment. Using performance techniques, the experienced professional trainers hone participants’ skills in Body Language and Voice by teaching tried and tested tips and tricks used by actors and presenters. Pre-workshop, a little apprehension is normal; post-workshop, increased confidence, positivity and new tricks up your sleeve is standard.
Stories effortlessly transform consumers into ambassadors; generating repeat visits, recommendations and increased secondary spend.
Content includes:
- Why do we tell stories?
- The impact of stories
- The 6 essential stories
- The 3 vital uses for stories in business
- Your business stories
- Story structure
- Communication styles
- The importance of stories
- Using body language
- Vocal techniques
- Stagecraft
- Working with text
- Storytelling hacks
Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to learn how to unlock the power of your stories to enhance your service delivery and boost your bottom line.
This course compliments ‘Complete Sales’ and ‘Complete Experience’. It is recommended that delegates attending Complete Storytelling, will also undertake Complete Sales and Complete Experience. However, it is not a pre-requisite, as all courses are standalone.
For details of Complete Sales click on this link and for Complete Experience, please click here.
ASVA Accreditation
All delegates that complete this suite of three training courses will become certified by ASVA as a ‘Complete Customer Care’ specialist. ASVA‘s vision is to support and inspire Scottish visitor attractions to deliver outstanding experiences for each and every visitor and the ASVA brand is recognised across the tourism industry in Scotland and the UK. These courses will support the professional development of staff on their career journeys.
The special ASVA member rate to attend is £109.00 (plus vat), whilst the non-member rate is £195.00 (plus vat). Recognising the economic challenges being faced by the industry, we have endeavoured to keep the member fee as low as we possibly can. We would like to acknowledge the willingness to help us do this by the trainers at Complete Works and the venue operators at VisitScotland, Skills Development Scotland, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, all of whom have taken steps to reduce the costs of putting on these elite training events.
We will be running 3 Complete Storytelling courses in January, for details and to book please click on the relevant links below:
Edinburgh – 24th January
Glasgow – 25th January
Inverness – 26th January
The Complete Sales workshops will take place in similar locations at dates in February and those for Complete Experience will be happening in March. Booking details for these courses will follow very shortly.