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Visitor friendly resources available to ASVA members to help encourage mask wearing
Added: 27 Apr 2022
Over the last few weeks, ASVA has heard from a few members asking if there are any ‘visitor friendly’ resources available out there to help with messaging to encourage the public to continue to wear face coverings. We are fully aware that the vast majority of attractions are not looking to be heavy handed with such an approach, but many are still keen to encourage the wearing of face coverings where possible, to continue to do their bit in controlling the spread of covid and, of course, to reassure visitors and staff.
ASVA Trade Member – Hole in My Pocket – has this week provided ASVA with a bank of ‘Friendly Posters’ which ASVA members can download, print and use completely free of charge at their venues, if looking for an additional tool to encourage not just the use of face coverings, but to also advertise further covid mitigating measures in place such as hand sanitiser stations, distancing and queuing etc. All Hole in Return would ask in return is that, if you do download and use any of the resources, please post about it online using the hashtag #holeinmypocket and/or follow them @himp (Twitter) or @himpdesign (Instagram).
A big thank you to Allistair Burt at Hole in My Pocket for providing this free resource to ASVA members. You can access the bank of ‘Friendly Posters’ here and if you want anything tweaked to better suit a particular circumstance, just drop Allistair a line and he will be happy to do this for you – info@holeinmypocket.com.