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Ross McMillan Head of Destinations Scottish Canals
Ross is a an experienced tourism leader with expertise in commercial development of attractions and has held positions across private, public and third sector organisations.
Ross currently heads up tourism and destination development across Scotland’s five canals. Evolving Scottish Canals strategic vision for tourism and directing capital investment programmes to where it can have greatest impact whilst ensuring Scottish Canals operated venues continue to thrive.
Prior to joining Scottish Canals Ross was responsible in growing and developing outdoor experiences & events across the 900-acre resort at Crieff Hydro & Family of Hotels.
Previously, Ross held roles in customer service, supply chain and as a performance analyst at IBM where he honed his analytical skills to identify improvements in business processes.
Ross brings previous Board experience having served on the SportScotland Board as a trustee for National Training Centres at a time of significant investment in the Inverclyde centre.